<aside> <img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/secure.notion-static.com/4e31e383-ccb4-41d9-87fe-ebea45a28a10/Logo_(1).png" alt="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/secure.notion-static.com/4e31e383-ccb4-41d9-87fe-ebea45a28a10/Logo_(1).png" width="40px" /> Welcome to Swirl! This is where you can read about our current features, you’ll find our quick start guide and what’s next!

Swirl is for you who are working with making peoples lives better through helping them achieve more sustainable levels of existential well-being. With Swirl we make it easy for you to manage all your 1-on-1 sessions, group sessions, webinars, courses and community in one place.




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Quick Start

  1. Sign up for your Swirl account → Sign Up.

  2. Make sure you introduce yourself by updating your name and adding a profile picture in your General Settings.

  3. Now it is time to subscribe! Click on Subscribe in your General Settings under “Are you a guide managing sessions and courses?”. We offer a 14-day free trial after which the subscription is €59/month and you will receive a 20% discount when choosing the annual plan.

  4. Let’s connect your Calendly to start syncing your bookings. Go to the Connect Apps tab in your settings. Click on the Calendly icon and follow the step-by-step setup guide. (SKIP THIS STEP IF YOU DON’T WANT TO USE CALENDLY)

  5. When you're all setup go ahead and start exploring Swirl, you can make a test booking via your Calendly and see how a it looks on your Spaces page. In your left hand menu you have access to the features which are as follows.

    1. Spaces
      1. 1-on-1 sessions
      2. Group sessions
      3. Courses (coming soon)
  6. When you're ready, you can start managing your sessions, courses and community in Swirl. Make sure to update your Calendly booking links in your LinkTree or Instagram Bio or where ever you're in touch with your audience.

What’s next?

We will continue to build amazing features for everyone using Swirl! If you have any input or feedback feel free to email [email protected] and let’s have a conversation! You can also read more about what we’re up to and our long-term goals in our vision.