
All endpoints are authorised with a Bearer token send in the Authorization Header.

Authorization: Bearer {access-token}

Create a 1-On-1 Space

POST /api/webhooks/zapier/1on1

export type Zapier1on1Payload = {
	// Customer email
  email: string
	// Customer name
  name?: string
  // Start datetime YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZZ of the session
  start_date?: string
  // Time zone of above datetime (omit if above is in UTC)
  timezone?: string
  // Duration in minutes
  duration?: number
	// Title for the session. (Does not need to be unique)
  session_title?: string

Create a Group Space

POST /api/webhooks/zapier/group

export type ZapierGroupPayload = {
	// Unique identifier that groups individuals together. All zaps sent with the same identifier will end up in the same Space.
  group_identifier: string
	// Title for the session. (Does not need to be unique)
  session_title: string
	// Customer email
  email: string
	// Customer name
  name?: string
  // Start datetime YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZZ of the session
  start_date?: string
  // Time zone of above datetime (omit if above is in UTC)
  timezone?: string
  // Duration in minutes
  duration?: number


The endpoints can respond with the following errors.

401: Unauthorized

This means the user needs to re-authenticate their account

400: Bad Request

This comes with an error message pointing to the invalid field

500: Server Error

If there wasn’t a clear reason for the error